“My works were designed to amuse, annoy, bewilder, mystify and inspire reflection.” Man Ray


“What remains for surrealism to do far exceeds what surrealism has done.” The Forecast is Hot!


We are an independent publishing company, supporting and reflecting radical and subversive works. We have existed since 2014, when we decided we wanted to support and promote the revolutionary and imaginative spirit in all its forms.

Since our tentative beginnings we have published a variety of words and images that have, we believe, shown our committment to those who have independent spirits which challenge orthodoxy, banality, mediocrity and the status quo.

We are a small team who aligns itself uncompromisingly with those who do things differently, see things differently, and wish to make the world a more imaginative, creative and egalitarian place for all.

It is not as easy at it used to be being a small ideologically and creatively independent publishing company… we wish to thank you for visiting our website and hopefully supporting us.